Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Surgery and Recovery

Happy Spring Everyone!

Well I will keep this as short as possible and put as much info as I can, I know y'all are busy folks!

So on 3/17 I had surgery to remove the remainder of the tumor and surrounding lymph nodes in the region.  While there the plastic surgeon revised my reconstruction with new implants and fixed a scar and other things that were HORRIBLE.  I feel better about my look now.  The pathology report from surgery said that all cancer is gone, the chemo did what it was supposed to do and showed only scaring where the chemo killed all the cancer cells.  So now I'm officially CANCER FREE!!!  I have been off work a couple weeks and had a follow up with all my doctors who gave great reports and that I am healing very well.  I have to be off work 2 more weeks due to limited range of motion in my left arm.  I still can't drive, my surgeon says that I need to be able to "jerk the wheel to avoid these Dallas drivers" her words not mine!  LOL

The next step is radiation therapy, I haven't seen the radiation oncologist yet but in a few weeks I should start.

So, now I'm sitting at home trying to find things to do because I'm starting to get really bored being at home.  My next appt is 4/18 and I will hopefully be released back into the wild again.

That's all I got for now, I'm doing well and looking forward to finally living my life again.  Starting to make plans to go on a world tour soon, look out for dates when I will be in a city near you!  LOL

Thanks to all for the prayers, cards and well wishes.  The text and FB messages are always welcomed and make me smile.

God is Good and His Mercy Endures forever!!!!


Thursday, February 25, 2016


Hello all my Peeps!  First I want to thank you all for keeping up with me and praying and sending me inspiring messages and such.  Also, thank all of you who have supported my Go Fund Me account, it has provided me the opportunity to decrease my medical bills substantially!  Now to the info!

I had my LAST CHEMO TREATMENT on 2/10/16!!!!!!  That was a great thing and it was the worst thing.  I had to go back the day after to have iron infusion and fluids plus my Neulasta shot so some numbers were down but as for the tumor it was good.  It was the worst in side effects, couldn't eat, constant pain, and just miserable all around.  I was out of work for a week and I felt like crap all 7 days I was out!  It's been about 2 weeks after and I am just now getting back to myself.  Still some fatigue issues but all in all I'm on the upswing!  Still having neuropathy in my hands and feet, most of the pain comes in my feet.  I am anxious to start doing fun things in Dallas so those in the DFW, I'm ready for invites!  LOL  

The day before my chemo, I had an appointment with my surgeon in which she had scheduled surgery for March 17th, St. Paddy's Day (no green beer for me!) and I should expect to be out of work for 2-3 weeks.  The surgery will be to remove the tumor (or where the marker is because it is pretty much gone and clean margins plus an axillary dissection of the the lymph node that the tumor was right next to.  I had to have an MRI yesterday at the surgeon's request to make sure she was seeing everything she needed to see.  I will see her again on March 1st (Super Tuesday, don't forget to vote those of you who are in those states) and we will further discuss her plan.  I will also have my  port removed during this surgery and the plastic surgeon will be present in case she has to go into the pocket where my implants are and they will have a new one on hand in case something happens to the old one.  I also talked him into cleaning up something that I didn't like from the other surgery!  Hey as long as I'm there, may as well get something I want out of this!

So I got a new wig that is short but I love it and have gotten several compliments on.  I guess my collection is complete, well, until I find that Beyonce' Formation wig I want!  LOL  
In all honesty, I have been rocking some headwraps and hats a lot lately, and as soon as there is enough hair on my head to look like I have a baby caesar cut I will be wigless and wrapless!  LOL

I want to thank God for allowing my Grandmother Lillie Mae Leggett to see 106 years on 2/14/16, although I wasn't well enough to attend the celebration I know it was wonderful.  I look forward to being able to attend her 107th!  This little lady just keeps on going and we love her!

And as always I want to thank my mother for always being here to take care of me, leaving her home to be with me in mine!  And this time she brought my Grandma with her, I enjoyed both of them but I know my Grandma is happy to be home so that she can "doodle" around her house, there wasn't enough stuff to do in my house and she can't just sit an relax.....probably because she will fall asleep!  LOL  
Sorry for the delay in the update, my computer died last week and well, let's just say I'm working on it!

Again thanks to you all for keeping up with my "Saga" and I hope all is well with each and every one of you.  My thoughts and prayers go out to the families affected by the storms in the south and east coast, wait, the midwest snow and....aww heck the whole country, El Nino is wrecking havioc on us all!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Good News, Better News and Paid In Full!

Hola!  Well, I would like to begin this blog by saying a HUGE thank you to all who have contributed to my Go Fund me account.  Especially Cynthia Johnson, who spearheaded the whole thing.  I would never have asked or gone through with it but the fact that she knows me well enough, and knows the struggle I had on the 1st journey, to put that out there was humbling.  More so was the overwhelming support that I received, there are no word to express how humbled I was by the amount of support I received.  I can say that the PET Scan that I had to have a few weeks ago was PAID IN FULL!  I was able to pay for the whole thing!  Just one more thing I don't have to worry about.  I continue to mount up bills but the fact that is one I don't have to worry about and I am in the process of paying for other deductible related expenses in the coming days.  I have a mound of bills on my desk to address!

Ok, now the Good News, So I had a PET Scan on Jan. 11th, in hopes to stop chemo.....or at least that's what I was in hopes for, and the results were great....except I have to keep doing chemo.  My tumor was 4.9cm and it was shrunk to 2.9cm with activity (there is another name I will tell you later) was 33 and it dropped to like 10.  To say that the cancer has had a positive response is an understatement.   However, my oncologist wants the entire tumor to be gone when I have surgery.

Better News!  I only have 1 chemo treatment left.  ONE MORE LEFT!!!!   I will be honest, chemo has really started to be hard, the last one has been pretty bad, I had chemo on Thursday 1/21 and I still don't feel back to my self.  More fatigue, more nausea, no appetite, aches and joint pain, not trying to be a whinny baby just wanted to let you know CHEMO SUCKS!!!!

I continue to thank you for all your prayers and support.  I will continue to update more. I'm not sure if there is more I need to say because I still have that Chemo Brain thing going on but I think I covered all the basis this time.

Talk to you all later!


Sunday, January 10, 2016

New Year, New Deductible!


Wow, didn't realize it had been over a month since my last post.  Sorry, things just really rolled along since Thanksgiving!  Well, let's see where should I start.

I guess where I left off.  Or somewhere close to that.  Since the last episode, I have had 2 more chemo treatments.  The 3rd treatment on 12/3, it was took a little more out of me and took me a little longer to bounce back it seemed but I did.  By the time I was back to what appears to be somewhat normal I had a great weekend with good friends.  My DPF (ask me later I may tell you what it means...) Shari R. Jones came to visit from waaay up in Frisco!  LOL, as she was settling in my West Coast/East Coast Homie Farrah "Cocoa" Brown came thru with Demetria in tow, we laughed and talked for hours.  I was so welcomed to have some sense of normalcy in my world.  I really needed some girl time to just hang with my Girls, we even went shopping for new hair!  It was an adventure, but it always is with either of those ladies!  I would recite our motto but I'll just end with this....My President's Black and My Lambo is Blue!  (Watch Boondocks Season 3 to figure that out!)  That evening, my girl had Great show, no one can make me laugh like Cocoa Brown, she is "One Funny Mama" especially when you know where the jokes come from!  Oh the things you see through the eyes of a true comedian!  She is an artist who is amazing at her craft!

Here are the wigs I got, Thanks to the Wig Queen (Farrah) for picking these out and gifting me the fly one I call my "Storm" wig!  LOL

I continue to be in the hunt for a church home, it has been somewhat daunting because going through this is when you really need a church family to surround you with prayers and love, luckily, my First United Presbyterian Church family in Richmond and my Pineview Presbyterian Church family in Hattiesburg keep me prayed up.  Not to mention all the other churches that have me on their prayer list, I am truly grateful for all the prayers that go up on my behalf.  I can feel the power of your prayers.

Work after that 3rd chemo picked up and my hours have been long, no really that's a good thing, it makes a different when you miss days of work but you have extra hours to make up for it.

As Christmas approached, I had several decisions to make, chemo would've been on 12/24 but with the holiday I had to choose 12/23 (not an option who wants to feel crappy on Christmas) or 12/29.  The later was the obvious choice, then I had to figure out when to go home and come back.  To keep it simple, I rode home with Victoria on 12/23 to be home for a couple days, making it to Hattiesburg for a few hours Christmas day, leaving 12/26  to make it back to TX to be at work on 12/27 & 12/28 to be off for the rest of the week.

Fourth chemo was a little more taxing on me.  Bouncing back was even harder!  However, of course before each treatment I see my Dr. and I explained that the neuropathy (pins & needle feeling or loss of sensation which may lead to permanent nerve damage) in my feet and hands, especially my feet were getting worse and more pain and harder to feel better after treatment and a few other complaints.  My Dr. ordered another PET scan to determine if chemo will be necessary going forward.  The tumor is not really palpable (she can't detect it with her hands any longer) and the side effects aren't worth it if I don't need any more chemo.  I have responded very well to the chemo so lets all pray that I don't need anymore chemo.  This, of course will push up my surgery but it will also push forward my healing and getting on with my life.  I am really looking forward to that part.

As 2016 begins, I look forward to moving past this diagnosis and all that goes with it, I also look forward to being told I am NOT a diabetic and don't need to take THAT medication any longer.  I can see that my numbers are lower than what was determined to be high when not on steroids therefore maybe I won't need it.  I look forward to losing weight, working out and living a better life.

That being said, all these treatments will be put towards my new deductible so I will be needing to work even more hours that I was before to pay these bills!!!!

I pray that all that read this are having a great year and will continue to pray for me as I pray for you!

I love the comments that you are giving, I just ask that you put your name on your comments I don't always know some of the email addresses initially!  LOL

I feel like I'm leaving something out.  I guess that's just reason to write sooner than later!  I will try to update with the results of the PET scan ASAP.


Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Hold on to your socks, this is a long one! Moving Day, New Hair, 2nd Chemo, A Terrible Awful Bad Day

Woow!  Sorry for the delay, but let's get to it because there is sooooo much to tell.  Let's go back in time!


The last week of October I moved into my new place with the help of some very special people.  My cousin Oliver and his nephews came through after a snafu with PODS and the necessity to have the unit emptied and picked up by Saturday spoiling the plan that my cousin Zannie and his brother-in-law Corey were to unload and help with the move-in.  So the crew of 3, unloaded the POD into the house on Wednesday.  Zannie & Corey came out the next day and put up my beds, put up bookshelves and shelving units and a few random things that need to be done.  And then the big gun came to play, my lil sis Victoria stepped up and came out on Friday and together she & I unloaded 99% of the boxes in this house.  She was on a mission to get it all done, which she did and and was able to go home on Sunday to relax after some major work put in, there is no way I could've done any of it without her!   My homie Tashalon came by to pitch in but I was pooped so we just hung out, passed out candy, and laughed about old times and caught up on all the new stuff.  She was good for my soul!  Just another reason I moved to TX, to be close to those types of folks to help me recenter and reconnect with my friends and family.  It was so nice to have help that I didn't have to beg to come out, they just showed up!  I love family!


So the 1st week of November I went to the Cancer Center to the Women's Boutique for an appointment to get a wig!  I hurried to my appointment, but was disappointed to find out that she was unable to get my wig approved.  BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE!  The light bulb went off over her head, and she said, "I know where I can get you a free wig!!"  We walked down the hall to another office and there they were, a few boxes of wigs.  I asked for a short curly wig and the 1st one that they pulled out....well just picture Mama from Mama's Family!  Um, Hell to da naw naw naw!!!!  LOL, then they pulled a little number that reminded me of how I used to wear my hair back in the late 90's, not quite as bad as you think but you be the judge, I'm going to post a link (if I can remember how!).  Hey, for free, I couldn't ask for more than that!  She informed me that the cosmetologist could customize the wig for me, so I asked her if the cosmetologist could buzz my head, my hair was starting to shed more and I like having the control that I cut my hair and not freaking out every morning in the shower or whatever.  So after waiting a few mins, I sat in the chair to get my head shaved!

In the words of a friend, good thing I have a pretty face and small ears!!!  LOL

So after buzzing my hair, she put the wig on my head and trimmed the bangs and styled accordingly.

After nice banter and comments on my smooth skin for a 43 year old, of course I told her BLACK DON'T CRACK!!!!  She said, Your Right!  Then, she turned around and said, WAIT, who's wig is this?  Well, it was the free wig that Madeline had gotten for me, the wig you see here was not that one!  After realizing it was a sample that she had just been sent, she said that God must've wanted me to have 2 wigs!  Won't He do it!!!!  Can you tell the difference, ok there is a little difference but not much!

So I have been wearing the second wig as my everyday wig.  I'll skip ahead since I'm on the hair subject.  Last week I went to a beauty supply and found a short curly wig, its a little closer to me than the others but I'm still on the hunt for that short curly Whitney wig from Bodyguard!  Inbox me for my address if you want to send it to me!  LOL


So, the next week, Mom & I headed to TX Oncology for my 2nd Chemo.  On my visit with the Dr. she informed me that I was taking the same chemo meds that I took the first time.  My records from City of Hope stated something different than what my VA Cancer Institute, so I am taking the same chemo.  Not to worry because it worked the first time right....its working again!  The tumor has shrunk by 50%!!!!!  Woohoo!  Wait, not so fast, what is this?  Why are your glucose levels so high?  You need your PCP to check this out, oh, you don't have one, I can recommend someone.  The rest of the day went as a typical chemo day goes, with a stop at some store.  It wouldn't be chemo day without a stop somewhere before going home!  Friday shot of Neulasta and lots of resting around my house.  Mama & Stepdad took good care of me!  Back to work on Monday, I was a little sick but it was my fault for not taking my anti-nausea meds like I was supposed to Sunday evening and Monday morning.  Once I realized what I had done, took my dose, I felt better by the next morning.  I'm doing well and working.


So today is the day I meet my new Internist, Dr. Gary Goff.  I left work on time (in my mind my appt was at 10am) at 9:59 I was circling Presbyterian Hospital for the 3rd time looking for Professional Bldg. 4,  I finally found it ACROSS THE STREET with no arrows or signs.  Finally found parking in the garage found the way into the building and found the elevator.  Once I found the office, I went in and they of course asked for my ID and insurance card which is lost and I'm still waiting for them to send a new one.  Oh, I got my new dental card yesterday!

ANYWAY!!!!  I call my oncologist office and they said they would send the card but they didn't, I am filling out the forms and she ask again, I have my group # and ID # but that's no good because it's BCBS of TX.......UGH!!!!  The nurse comes to get me but the front desk receptionist said wait because they didn't want me to have to pay out of pocket for the visit.  I the radiology office in Richmond that initially diagnosed me and they faxed over a copy.  The nurse took me back and in a room and before she could take my blood pressure, the receptionist came and said it was a copy of my vision card!  They asked if I could go online to get a temporary card.  So here I am in the exam room trying to log on to Anthem.com from my phone, let's just say that by the time the Dr. came in I was in tears with frustration.  He told me to put the phone down and they would work it out.  Whew, Luckly after I called the radiology office I called my old PCP's(Primary Care Physician) office and I finally got a copy of this card.  But they sent 2 my really old card and my most recent, I straightened all that out and she gave me a copy to take with me until I get my new cards!  SHEESH!
Now back to the Dr. visit, long story short, they think my glucose levels are too high but are not sure if it is my weight, the steroids or the chemo but I will have blood work done tomorrow but in the meantime I now have a OneTouch Glucose meter and some new meds to take to try to control my levels until we can fully determine which it is and take control of it.  Also, I need to lose weight, a lot of if which will be hard with the steoroids but it needs to happen (NO SHIT SHERLOCK)!!!!  And after this is all over we need to look at these knees, there is something going on there too!  So much great news!  NOT!!!!  Oh, but he did tell me about 2 Presbyterian Churches for me to visit and thanked and said God Bless!  I know I didn't want to hear it but I know it needs to be done so here we go!

Ok, that last was just a vent but hey, it's my blog so I can write what I want to!  LOL

Again I thank you for all your support.  I can not tell you how much I appreciate the calls, texts, cards prayers and well wishes.  If you reach out to me I will give you my new address but I don't want to put it on the blog because it is public.

My next chemo is next week so I will follow up after next week.


Tuesday, October 27, 2015

PET Scans, Back to Work and other stuff

First and foremost, the results from my PET scan came back clear or well, the only spot was the new cancer, in other words, the cancer has not spread ANYWHERE ELSE!!!  WOOHOO!!!! 

Soooo....who thought it was a good idea to go to work on the Wednesday, I did.....what a dumb ass!!!!  Well, it wasn't really that bad, imagine walking through a new place in a bubble of cytoplasm or maybe I should say walking through goopity goop in a fog!  LOL, I was tired and in a fog most of the week, but the folks at my new job are nice and understanding.  I came home to crash everyday!  I rode back to Jackson on Friday night sleeping most of the way, slept probably 18 of the 24 hrs on Saturday, and rode back to TX on Sunday, but I stayed awake the whole way!  LOL   Big ups to my lil sis Victoria Honeysucker for being our chauffer to get my mom home and pick up my car. 

This week has been so much better, I'm starting to get into the swing of things at work, not as tired after work but resting because I know I need to.  This weekend I will be attempting to help all those nice folks who have or will volunteer to help me clean and move into my new place.  If you are in the Dallas area and are free to help clean or move please contact me.  You can inbox me on FB, leave a comment or just call or text if you have my number.  All help is welcome. 

I want to also thank my classmate Tracey Magee for hooking me up with Super Realtor Monte Brown who helped me find a nice place. 

Ok, that's all for now I will update again soon! 

Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes, they are working, I'm feeling better, stronger but most of all LOVED! 

Until next time!  Smooches! 

Monday, October 19, 2015

10/19/15 1st Chemo!

Hello all,

So 1st I would like to make a DISCLAIMER:  This blog may include language not suitable for your children.  This blog is probably PG-13 OR R-rated due to language and gross crap the author may say.  Just a warning!

Ok, back to me!  LOL  So I here is a pic of my 1st DIY haircut I did last week.  I will probably do another later I the week, hey it's coming out I may as well have fun and see what all I can do before I move to these fly ass wigs I'm bout to rock!  LOL yes there will be ratchedness in the mix but I will have a normal everyday wig for work with turbans and hats to supplement where needed. 

Here is a link to the photo of the DIY cut https://goo.gl/photos/QQNfX5HwYeB4D8z38

So yesterday I had to start with the steroids, THEY SUCK, jittery, hungry and just feeling crazy!  But its all good, it will be more tolerable with the Ativan they gave me, hehehe, I'll be fine! 

So today started with traffic, I mean it's Dallas by God! Nothing too bad, got here and saw the doctor where she told me all the fun things I can and can't do!  Nothing major just side effects: finger/toe neuropathy (google it if you don't know), nail damage (they may turn dark and even split if I'm not careful), low blood counts, I may be anemic (even before treatment), and the tumor is a 5.3 cm mass and it will be monitored to see if it starts to shrink over these next sessions.  I will have 6 sessions 3 weeks apart so I will have my next treatment on Nov. 12th so Halloween & Thanksgiving I will be up and at 'em! 

Now the fun medical stuff, I am taking Taxotere and Cyclophosphamide (TC) as my treatment regimen.  After my 6 rounds of chemo, I will have axillary surgery of the mass as well as axillary dissection of the lymph nodes they radiation and a new start of a hormone suppressant (Tomoxifen or Arimidex).  So I should be done with all treatment hopefully by Football season I hope if not by my birthday! 

Ok, for those who are wondering if I'm sleeping in my car, I'm not!  LOL  I moved to the DFW (Dallas-Fort Worth) area 2 weeks ago.  I have been living with my wonderful cousins the Degraffenreid's.  Oliver & Brenda have been the ultimate host, accomidating both my mother & I and an occational friend that may stop by.  They live in Forney, TX, right down the road from Jamie Foxx's hometown!  I was listening to Jamie riding down Jamie Fox Way, it was so ironic!  LOL   As of Saturday I was approved for a 3 bedroom house in Mesquite, TX about a 20 minute commute to my job in the Pleasant Grove area (awesome).  I am looking forward to moving into the new place, I hope to pick up keys today, POD will be delivered this week and I will hopefully start getting that together some this week but mostly weekend after this one to come. I have to go to Jackson to pick up my car so I have a little company, it's so nice to have so many friends and family close by, my little sister Victoria is driving up with us on Friday and we will head back on Sunday and we all get to see family and it all works for the best.  My cousin's and a few friends have already volunteered to help with the move the following weekend but I will take all the help I can get.  Especially decorating ladies! 

I am about 30 mins or so out from completing my 1st chemo treatment!  Although I have to drop off money at the leasing agency I can go home and rest the entire day and tomorrow.  Well, except for the injection of Neulasta I will have to get tomorrow which helps to build you blood counts, white counts.  Side effects are muscle and joint pain so my slow ass may get even slower but the doctor wants me to do some form of mild exercise daily so I will be walking or something.  Looking forward to loosing some weithgt but I know the steroids will not allow too much of that to happen. 

I'm sure there is more but I think my first bout of chemo brain may be kicking in so I'm gonna rest for a while.  This has been a long 4 hours.

Thanks for all your good wishes, prayers, hugs from here and far.  I will do my best to keep you posted on all doctor reports and how I feel in general.  You can expect at least weekly updates from this point on.  Love you all and take care of yourself. 

Nina aka Bella(no not the chick who's into pale vampires and buff werewolves, just the chick from the REAL south!  LOL )